sábado, 22 de maio de 2010

Boy Interrupted

Things to die for
1. Fear of Failing
2. Lack os trust in friends
3. Working hard for what?
4. Never being able to fit in
5. Knowing all the bad things are true; being lazy, loser, ugly, untalented and stupid
6. What’s the point?

Things to live for
1- Potential of being something great
2- Love of people I trust
3- The Future
4- Finding trusting friends
5- Sadness brought to family
6- Feeling better later
So, 6 things to live for and six things to die for

Things I want:
York Prep to never know why and how I died.
To be Forgotten
Only family is invited to funeral
For death to be painless
And finally to everyone to move on and know I sorry but this is for the best.

Algo nessa semana tocou minha alma, como poucas coisas podem fazer!Buscando palavras pra expressar o que isto representou pra mim não as encontrei, resumiria dizendo que talvez essa semana algo como a vida se tornou mais palpável, mais sentido...
Esse documentário vai além de qualquer expectativa e me limito a dizer que toda pessoa deveria ver e sentir a história de Evan Scott Perry.

Um comentário:

Cassandra disse...

fiquei muito curiosa!